ASA/CRC Press Partner on Statistical Reasoning
in Science and Society Series


The ASA and CRC Press have partnered to develop the ASA Series on Statistical Reasoning in Science and Society.

This ongoing series features the following:

  • A forum highlighting the important role of statistical and probabilistic reasoning in many areas
  • Concepts presented while assuming minimal background in mathematics and statistics
  • A broad audience, including professionals across many fields, the general public, and courses in high schools and colleges
  • Statistics in wide-ranging aspects of professional and everyday life, including the media, science, health, society, politics, law, education, sports, finance, climate, and national security
  • Short and inexpensive books of 100–150 pages that can be written and read in a reasonable amount of time

If you are interested in proposing a book for the series or would like to contribute, fill out the book proposal form.

Series Editors

Nicholas Fisher
University of Sydney, Australia

Nicholas Horton
Amherst College, Massachusetts

Deborah Nolan
University of California, Berkeley

Regina Nuzzo
Gallaudet University, Washington, DC

David J. Spiegelhalter
Cambridge University