Count on Stats

Count on Stats

The Context

The federal statistical system generates data informing decision-makers from Wall Street to Main Street to the halls of Congress and beyond. Without federal agencies’ data collection and analysis, we would not have key insights into public health, economic trends, community issues, public safety, the environment, or countless other facets that are vital to our society.

How We Count on Stats

The federal statistical system is decentralized across the federal government with 13 primary statistical agencies and approximately 100 statistical offices. These federal statistical agencies collect, analyze, and disseminate critical statistical data and information such as the following:

Economic indicators (GDP), international trade
Consumers, businesses, economists, investors, policymakers
Justice systems, crime, incarceration rates
Correctional agencies, law enforcement, policymakers
Inflation, employment, earnings, working conditions
Consumers, businesses, Federal Reserve, policymakers
Airline on-time performance, pirates at sea, transportation trends
Businesses, urban planners, policymakers
Main source of data about population and economy
Individuals, businesses, nonprofits, policymakers, public health officials, urban planners
Use and price of coal, natural gas, nuclear energy, renewable energy
Consumers, businesses, energy producers, policymakers
Agriculture, food, the environment, and rural development
Agriculturalists, consumers, farmers, nonprofits, policymakers
Food production and supply, organic sales, chemical use
Agriculturalists, businesses, consumers, farmers, policymakers
Education data, literacy rates, international comparisons of students
Educators, parents, policymakers, students
Life expectancy, health insurance coverage, health trends
Individuals, policymakers, public health officials, researchers
Science and engineering workforce, R&D expenditures
Educators, businesses, policymakers, researchers
Social security benefits, payments, covered workers
Individuals, businesses, policymakers
Income sources, exemptions, tax revenue, international boycotts
Individuals, estates, nonprofits, trusts, investors, policymakers


Sources: Count on Stats,

  • Education
    Inform the public, key stakeholders, and influencers of the system and the importance of public participation in the production and use of federal statistics.
  • Awareness
    Signal the importance, integrity, and trustworthiness of government data.
  • Authority
    Provide a strong, independent, and non-partisan voice that supports the federal statistical system.
  • Advocacy
    Ensure no attack on federal statistical agencies and their work goes unanswered.
Federal Statistical System
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Economic Research Service (ERS)
Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Internal Revenue Service Statistics of Income Division (SOI)
National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES)
Social Security Administration Office of Research, Evaluation, and Statistics (ORES)
US Census Bureau

Through the Count on Stats initiative, the ASA has been joined by the following organizations in support of the federal statistical system:

American Mathematical Society
Association of Population Centers
Data Coaltion
Insights Association
Population Association of America
The US Data Infrastructure


Contact Count on Stats