Context: Ensuring the future of the profession involves ensuring a well-developed pipeline into the profession and that requires that statistical education at all levels be supported and enhanced. Statistics education occurs in a variety of domains, from formal institution-based programs to online and certificate programs. The need for statistics education does not end upon the completion of a degree.
Further, public awareness of the nature and benefits of careers in statistics and data science is insufficient. The growth of the AP Statistics Program and the rapid increase in the number of bachelor degree graduates in statistics speaks to gains in public awareness.
Objective: Provide leadership in all aspects of statistics education, from early grades to PhD, from enhancing public literacy in statistics to developing targeted professional development opportunities.
Strategies: (a) In global collaboration with entities internal and external to the ASA, provide guidelines, professional development and information on appropriate statistics education to statistics educators, curriculum developers and educational policy makers at all levels; (b) Revise and implement a plan to provide resources to K-12, community college, and undergraduate teachers to enhance their ability to teach statistics; (c) Provide guidelines for a statistics-focused pathway to a career in data-related sciences; (d) Develop and implement a plan to influence the inclusion of statistical thinking in appropriate disciplines, such as computer science and business analytics; (e) Provide face-to-face, online and hybrid continuing professional development for statisticians who need to augment their professional skills; (f) Provide professional development opportunities for professionals who are moving from other careers to statistics or data-related sciences; (g) Provide statistical training for communities such as journalists, lawyers, and physicians who need to understand statistics for their work and (h) Continue to enhance “This is Statistics” and other media campaigns.