Applications Wanted for GivesBack Leadership Team
There is a new opportunity taking shape at the ASA in the form of the GivesBack Leadership Team. As part of this group, you will give back to the community, network with peers and mentors, and hone leadership skills.

ASA GivesBack will organize two philanthropic events each year: one ASA fundraiser and one event focused on giving back to the community, such as a group volunteer effort.
The ASA fundraiser can raise money for either the ASA’s general fund or an approved program/initiative. Members of ASA GivesBack are encouraged to think “outside the box” and find new and innovative ways to get the ASA’s message out and inspire donations.
The GivesBack event should focus on the other aspect of philanthropy: volunteerism. This event can be anything from organizing a coding workshop for middle-school students and cleaning up roadways in the community to volunteering for an organization such
as Habitat for Humanity and running a canned-food drive.
ASA GivesBack is open to anyone who wants to join; however, only ASA early-career or student members may apply to serve on the leadership team. Applicants may specify their position preference, but may be selected to serve in another position. Applicants
will be given the opportunity to accept or decline that position.
Terms are for one year and end at the close of the Joint Statistical Meetings. Each member will be asked to attend JSM and a planning workshop. To apply,
fill out this form.
Leadership team positions include the following:
- Chair (serves on the ASA Development Committee)
- Co-Chair (serves as secretary)
- Social Media/Publications Lead
- Membership Coordinator
- Fundraiser Lead
- Give Back Event Lead
- Member at Large (3)
Contact Amanda Malloy, ASA director of development, or Donna LaLonde, ASA director of strategic initiatives and outreach, with questions or comments.