An award of $1,500 will be given annually to the paper published in the given calendar year that best reflects the following goals of the journal:
This award is administered and selected by the ASA and funded by a gift from Wiley Publishers.
The award winner will be selected by the editor-in-chief and the area editors based on their review of papers in the journal.
Nominations are not necessary. All papers appearing in Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal are eligible for consideration. The award will be presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings.
The award recipient is responsible for providing a current photograph and general personal information the year the award is presented. The American Statistical Association uses this information to publicize the award and prepare the check and certificate.
Please contact the journal editor-in-chief.
2022: No winner selected 2021: No winner selected 2020: No winner selected 2019: No winner selected 2018: No winner selected 2017: No winner selected
2016: "Visualizing Statistical Models: Removing the Blindfold" - Hadley Wickham, Dianne Cook, and Heike Hofmann