Bob Riffenburgh Award
Michael C. Wu
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
About the Award
The Bob Riffenburgh Award, established in 2022 to honor statistician Robert H. Riffenburgh, recognizes the transfer or extension of statistical methods developed for or used in one field of application into another where it has never or seldom been used.
Its goal is to recognize that these statistical transfers broaden the range of statistical methods applied to various fields of science and to encourage statistics users to seek innovative methods not commonly used in their field.
The Riffenburgh Award will be given every two years, and the recipient will receive a $4,000 cash prize. At the discretion of the selection committee, multiple recipients may be recognized in a given award cycle and, in such cases, the cash award is split
evenly among the recipients.
Selection Criteria
The award will focus largely (but not exclusively) on transfers and extensions of statistical methods into the fields of medicine.
Award Recipient Responsibilities
The award recipient is responsible for providing a current photograph and general personal information the year the award is presented. The American Statistical Association uses this information to publicize the award and prepare the check and certificate.
Nominations are due by January 15 and require the following:
- Nomination letter
- Candidate’s CV
- Two letters of support, not to exceed two pages each
Please contact Elizabeth Henry.